A matter of perspective

A thread came up on an online forum regarding perspective and photography of diecast cars. It's an interesting thing to think about, right? Why do so many people take ugly shots of their cars - just all scattered on a carpet, or in a dark room with grainy light, or on a creepy looking shelf... Continue Reading →

Vintage Treasures Part 1: Majorette Citroen DS21 Ambulance

Sometimes it is better not to search, and instead to let the treasure find you. This was the case when I entered a second hand shop in my town, where a plethora of vintage cars awaited. Yes, they're in rough shape - but it's hard to find vintage cars for a reasonable price that aren't... Continue Reading →

Majorette Gifts…

Some photos of the Majorette cars I'll be sending to a friend in the USA, who sadly cannot find these beautiful models himself. I hope he likes them! I bought these today from Toys R Us, which has been providing a good stock of them recently. However, they are a little pricey - the gift... Continue Reading →

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