
The earliest childhood memory I can possibly recall is that of a Mini Cooper I used to own. It was grey, a bit ugly, and a great big heavy thing I used to cart around. I lost it at some point, but it no doubt succumbed to the annual purging of the house my parents would perform.

Then, there was something about the 1:64 scale that ensnared me. Perhaps it was how easily they fit into the palm of the hand. Or maybe it was that they fit perfectly onto the lanes of the road mats I had as a child. Or it could have been because you could put loads into your bag, or your pockets, and always have a group ready in case you wanted to race your friends on the go, or just entertain yourself in the event something tedious happened, like a meal with family friends.

Nothing has changed, of course. Apart from a hiatus during secondary school and my O levels, I’ve never really stopped collecting them. And now, in adulthood, it seems my desire to collect more is bigger than ever – perhaps I’m worried what the future holds!

My passion for diecast has always been a reflection of my love for cars, and just as our tastes can fluctuate with a song we love, forget, and rediscover, so too does my taste in cars constantly and unexpectedly take new directions.

I know that Hot Wheels, Majorette, Matchbox, Corgi, Zylmex, Maisto, Realtoy, Husky, and Impy all had a strong place in the childhoods of thousands of people, and I have always wanted to have my own place to showcase a lifetime’s worth of collecting them.

There are lots of blogs out there which showcase people’s collections. But I always wanted to see something a little different than cars in clinical studios or on dusty workbenches. I wanted unique hand-made scenery that reflected my personality. I wanted beautiful photos showing the details in the cars and I wanted them to look at home on exotic highways and before stunning backgrounds. So, Jasmine’s garage was born. And looking back at the beginning, I can see how much I’ve learned and improved in how to present everything here.

If you are reading this, I hope you too have had as much enjoyment out of die-cast cars as I have, and will one day, if it should come, engender a love of these models into your own children.



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